Best Photoshop Alternative for Mac in 2023

Best Photoshop Alternative for Mac

Photoshop is a popular photo editing tool that is used by millions of people worldwide. However, not everyone has access to Photoshop or may not want to pay for the subscription-based service. Mac users may also find that Photoshop doesn’t always work well with their system or that it’s too complex to use. Fortunately, there are several Photoshop alternatives for Mac users that offer similar features and functionalities at a more affordable price. In this article, we’ll introduce you to the best Photoshop alternative for Mac users and explore its features, benefits, and drawbacks. So, let’s get started!

Best Photoshop Alternatives for Mac in 2023

Pixelmator Pro — Best Photoshop Alternative for Mac Overall

Pixelmator Pro is another popular photo editing software that is exclusive to Mac users. It offers a range of features that are similar to Photoshop, including layering, masking, and image adjustments. Pixelmator Pro also has a modern, user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.

Pixelmator Pro — Best Photoshop Alternative for Mac Overall

Some of the benefits of using Pixelmator Pro include:

  • Affordable one-time payment: Pixelmator Pro can be purchased for a one-time payment of $39.99, making it a more affordable alternative to Photoshop’s subscription-based service.
  • Advanced machine learning tools: Pixelmator Pro offers advanced machine learning tools that can help users automatically enhance their photos or remove unwanted elements from their images.
  • Non-destructive editing: Pixelmator Pro allows users to edit their photos without permanently altering the original image, making it easy to experiment with different editing techniques.

Luminar Neo — Best Photoshop Mac Alternative for Photography

Luminar Neo is a photo editing software that offers a range of tools for both novice and professional photographers. It features AI-powered editing tools that can help users enhance their photos quickly and easily. Luminar Neo offers a range of features, including layering, masking, filters, and image adjustments.

Luminar Neo

Some of the benefits of using Luminar Neo include:

  • AI-powered editing: Luminar Neo’s AI-powered editing tools can help users enhance their photos quickly and easily.
  • Non-destructive editing: Luminar Neo allows users to edit their photos without permanently altering the original image.
  • One-time payment: Luminar Neo can be purchased for a one-time payment of $69, making it an affordable alternative to Photoshop’s subscription-based service.

Affinity Photo — Fastest Photoshop Alternative for Mac

Affinity Photo is a powerful photo editing software that is specifically designed for Mac users. It offers a wide range of features that are similar to Photoshop, including layering, masks, filters, and image adjustments. Affinity Photo also has a user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to navigate and customize their workspace.

Affinity Photo — Fastest Photoshop Alternative for Mac

Some of the benefits of using Affinity Photo include:

  • Affordable one-time payment: Affinity Photo can be purchased for a one-time payment of $49.99, making it an affordable alternative to Photoshop’s subscription-based service.
  • Fast and efficient: Affinity Photo is optimized for Mac, meaning that it runs smoothly and efficiently on your device, even when working with large files.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: Affinity Photo is also compatible with Windows and iPad, allowing users to work seamlessly across multiple devices.

Fotor — Online Photoshop Alternative for Mac

Fotor is a free, online photo editing software that is compatible with Mac, Windows, and mobile devices. It offers a range of features that are similar to Photoshop, including layering, masking, filters, and image adjustments. Fotor also has a user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to navigate and customize their workspace.


Some of the benefits of using Fotor include:

  • Free to use: Fotor is completely free to use, making it an accessible alternative to Photoshop for those on a budget.
  • Easy to use: Fotor’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for beginners to get started with photo editing.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: Fotor is also compatible with Windows and mobile devices, allowing users to work seamlessly across multiple devices.

GIMP — Free Photoshop Alternative for Mac

GIMP is a free, open-source photo editing software that is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux. It offers a range of features that are similar to Photoshop, including layering, masks, filters, and image adjustments. GIMP also has a customizable interface, allowing users to create a workspace that suits their needs.

gimp review

Some of the benefits of using GIMP include:

  • Free to use: GIMP is completely free to download and use, making it an accessible alternative to Photoshop for those on a budget.
  • Extensive community support: GIMP has a large community of users who have created plugins and scripts to enhance its features and functionality.
  • High level of customization: GIMP allows users to customize its interface and create their own tools and plugins, making it a flexible and versatile photo editing tool.


Are Photoshop alternatives for Mac as good as Photoshop?

While Photoshop alternatives for Mac may not offer every feature that Photoshop has, they are still capable of producing high-quality images and are suitable for both novice and professional photographers. Many of these alternatives offer similar tools, such as layering, masking, filters, and image adjustments.

What is the best Photoshop alternative for Mac?

The best Photoshop alternative for Mac depends on your personal needs and preferences. Affinity Photo, Pixelmator Pro, GIMP, Luminar Neo, and Fotor are all great options for Mac users, and each has its own set of features and benefits.

Are there any free Photoshop alternatives for Macs?

Yes, GIMP and Fotor are both free Photoshop alternatives for Mac users. While these may not offer every feature that Photoshop has, they are still capable of producing high-quality images and are suitable for both novice and professional photographers.

Can I use a tablet with a Photoshop alternative for Mac?

Yes, most Photoshop alternatives for Mac support the use of a tablet. However, you should always check the compatibility of each software with your tablet before making a purchase.

Final Recommendations

There are several Photoshop alternatives for Mac users, including Affinity Photo, Pixelmator Pro, GIMP, Luminar Neo, and Fotor. These tools offer similar features and functionalities to Photoshop, making them great options for both professional photographers and hobbyists. Whether you’re looking for a one-time payment option, AI-powered editing tools, or free, easy-to-use software, there’s a Photoshop alternative out there for you. We hope this article has helped you discover the best Photoshop alternative for your Mac and has given you the information you need to make an informed decision.

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